

Organizaciones líderes coinciden en destacar el conocimiento de nuestro equipo de consultores: hablan el mismo idioma que nuestros clientes ya que cuentan con experiencia previa en el campo para el que seleccionan, lo que les permite conocer el pulso del mercado.

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Somos fuerza impulsora en el mercado de búsqueda y selección especializada durante más de 15 años en España. Conoce nuestras oficinas de Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia y Bilbao.

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Ofertas de empleo

Nuestros consultores especializados escucharán tu historia y te conectarán con organizaciones líderes en España. Queremos escribir contigo un nuevo capítulo en tu carrera profesional.

Ver todas las ofertas de empleo

Consejos de carrera

Tips para ayudarte a escribir la historia que quieres contar.

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Organizaciones líderes coinciden en destacar el conocimiento de nuestro equipo de consultores: hablan el mismo idioma que nuestros clientes ya que cuentan con experiencia previa en el campo para el que seleccionan, lo que les permite conocer el pulso del mercado.

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Quiénes somos

Una historia de éxito, una historia de superación, una historia de crecimiento... cada historia profesional es el reflejo de las personas que forman parte de ella. Conoce a Robert Walters en España.

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¿Listo para impulsar tu carrera profesional con nosotros?

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Somos fuerza impulsora en el mercado de búsqueda y selección especializada durante más de 15 años en España. Conoce nuestras oficinas de Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia y Bilbao.

Nuestras oficinas

The Path Ahead - Rediscovering You

Need a change? Stuck in a rut? Just been ‘let go’?

It has been a long year and it can feel uncertain as to what the future holds.

Nothing quite prepares us for that sinking feeling of either rejection or being stuck, no matter how resilient we believe we are. But we can take this moment and plan for what happens next to shape our future.

The Path Ahead is a 60 minute session hosted by Jeremy Sturt, co-founder of just add water, who are partnering with Robert Walters to deliver a series of webinars focused on taking control in uncertainty. The Path Ahead will focus on understanding the thresholds that we face in life; what to do when we are facing them; explore the attributes of our character that will support us in times of crisis; reassess our resources and how to use them; and provide tools and models to help us rethink who we could become.

We look forward to exploring the path ahead with you - for you!

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Indy Lachhar

Group Talent Development Director
Robert Walters Group

Indy Lachhar joined the Robert Walters Group in 2016 as Head of People for Resource Solutions, and was appointed Head of Talent Development for the wider Robert Walters Group in 2017.

As Group Talent Development Director, Indy leads the People and Development Team who focus on building the infrastructure to increase our people capability. Indy spearheads efforts to enhance employee engagement, performance management, learning and development and diversity and inclusion programmes and offerings.

Indy has a wealth of experience within learning and organisational development working for brands such as HSBC and Morgan Stanley. She has developed her career across a range of industries including Events Management, Logistics, Investment Banking and more recently Construction and Engineering.


Jeremy Sturt

just add water

Jeremy specialises in working with business leaders and senior teams to accelerate personal and corporate performance through purpose, vision, strategy, leadership and culture evolution. He has created, produced and facilitated global programmes of purpose, leadership and change for many organisations including BP, Shell, Anglo-American, McDonald’s, Thomson Reuters, KPMG, and Diageo, and is widely recognised for his skills in Executive Team visioning, facilitation and stakeholder engagement.

Jeremy is regularly engaged by a number of educational entities, including London Business School, to focus on behavioural change and storytelling in a corporate environment.

Yo soy Robert Walters, ¿y tú?

Únete a nuestro equipo emprendedor, dinámico e internacional, donde podrás aprender y desarrollarte de manera constante junto a compañeros que te impulsarán a ser tu mejor versión.